Dundee Fairness Commission
Next Meeting: 6pm on Tuesday 29th March, at the Central Baptist Church Hall, Ward Road
The Dundee Partnership first published its Fairness Strategy in June 2012. Since then a number of initiatives have been undertaken through an associated Action Plan, with the institution of a Fairness Commission being the latest of these.
The Fairness Commission brings together members with a wealth of experience from a range of settings including partners in the public, voluntary, community, private and academic sectors. Together the Commission members will:
- Consider the nature, extent and impact of poverty in Dundee
- Identify and investigate the key causes and consequences of poverty along with policy and practical measures to address these
- Consider evidence of what has worked elsewhere to combat poverty and inequality
- Assess the effectiveness of the efforts to date of Dundee City Council and the broader Dundee Partnership through the Fairness Action Plan for Dundee
- Seek the views and involvement of those experiencing poverty first hand
- Prepare a report for the Dundee Partnership and Dundee City Council with recommendations on additional priorities for action to tackle and reduce poverty in the city
In order to achieve the above, the Commission will meet on a monthly basis. The first meeting in April established the group, considered a range of evidence around poverty in Dundee & Scotland, and began to examine the approaches being taken by the Dundee Partnership and the Council. Council officers and community partners will be providing ongoing support to ensure that appropriate evidence and perspectives are available to the Commission.
Further meetings will go on to focus on collecting evidence in relation to key factors associated with poverty. This will take the form of reports and presentations from local and national speakers with research or practical experience of:
- Child Poverty and levels of Educational Attainment
- Welfare Reform and the impact of changes
- In-work Poverty and the Living Wage
- Employability and Youth Employment
- Food Security and Fuel Poverty
The Commission will then make use of the collected information to:
- Provide an interim report to the Dundee Partnership in September 2015
- Formally present their recommendations to the Dundee Partnership, the Council and a broad audience of stakeholders at a conference in June 2016
Fairness Commission Membership – provides a brief biography of the members
Meeting Schedule – outlines the planned programme of topics and speakers
Meeting Papers – agendas, minutes, reports and presentations
Additional Items
Fairness Commission Blog by Erik Cramb
Films / Interviews - provides links to short films made at Fairness Commission meetings