This area of the website is used by the Dundee Partnership to consult members of the community on its vision and plans for the future. Whenever the Partnership has a consultation document on which it wants to hear views, it will be posted here.
Current Consultations
Dundee Fairness Commission - Poverty, Housing & Disability Survey
At the end of October, the Dundee Fairness Commission will be discussing poverty & housing and the financial impact of having a physical disability.
Finding and maintaining affordable housing can be difficult. Many vulnerable or low income families in Scotland can't secure social housing and are living in the private rented sector even if they are struggling to pay their rent. Rents in the private sector can be twice as expensive as those charged by a council or housing association. The number of people in poverty living in the private rented homes has risen sharply in Scotland.
Experts tell us that the usual poverty statistics we use probably underestimate the rate of poverty for people with disabilities. Families with an adult with a disability are twice as likely to have a very low income. Over a quarter of the people in those families will be in poverty. Benefits changes for people making the transition from Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to Personal Independence Payments (PIP) will probably increase poverty too.
We'd like to know what people in Dundee think about this.
We know your story may involve personal details so we will treat everything you tell us confidentially. If you are happy for us to use your name when we are presenting views to the Commission, please include your name. And if you'd like us to be able to contact you to follow up on anything you tell us, please include your email address or telephone number. The survey can be completed here.
If you would prefer to complete a paper-based form and return it to us please download and print out a form.
Dundee Fairness Commission - Poverty Survey
The Dundee Fairness Commission is an independent working group looking at how Dundee can do more to tackle and reduce poverty in the city. To inform our work, we want to know the views and hear the stories of people in Dundee who are experiencing poverty or working to help those who are. We want to understand the reality of poverty in Dundee so that we can recommend the best possible action. Please tell us what you think by answering any or all of the questions below.
We know your story may involve personal details so we will treat everything you tell us confidentially. If you are happy for us to use your name when we are presenting views to the Commission, please include your name below. And if you'd like us to be able to contact you to follow up on anything you tell us, please include your email address or telephone number.
Please tell us your story
If you would prefer to complete a paper-based form and return it to us please download and print out a form.
Previous Consultations
Dundee Fairness Commission - In-Work Poverty and the Living Wage Survey
At the end of September, the Dundee Fairness Commission will be discussing in-work poverty, the Living Wage and the stigma faced by people on low incomes.
Many people in Dundee are living in poverty despite that fact that one or more adults in the house is in work. If people can't find full and part time jobs that are fairly paid, they may not be able to afford the quality of life which most of the public think everyone should have. They may also rely on in-work benefits or tax credits which are continually being cut. More employers are choosing to pay the Living Wage because they believe it is better for their services and businesses if their employees are fairly rewarded for their work.
Often people on low incomes feel that they are not being treated fairly or with the respect that everyone in our community deserves. Some newspapers and television programmes misrepresent the real picture of life on a low income and paint people receiving benefits very negatively. These negative attitudes can spread across the general public and make the experience of living on a low income even more difficult.
We'd like to know what people in Dundee think about this. Please tell us your story
We know your story may involve personal details so we will treat everything you tell us confidentially. If you are happy for us to use your name when we are presenting views to the Commission, please include your name below. And if you'd like us to be able to contact you to follow up on anything you tell us, please include your email address or telephone number.
If you would prefer to complete a paper-based form and return it to us please download and print out a form.
Dundee Fairness Commission - Welfare Reform
At the end of June the Dundee Fairness Commission will be discussing the impact of Welfare Reform on people in Dundee. We will be looking at issues like the introduction of new benefits like Universal Credit and Personal Independence Payments; claimant commitments and sanctions; and supporting people to make their claims. We'd like to know what people in Dundee think about this.
The survey is hosted on the Dundee City Council website and can be found at
We know your story may involve personal details so we will treat everything you tell us confidentially. If you are happy for us to use your name when we are presenting views to the Commission, please include your name below. And if you'd like us to be able to contact you to follow up on anything you tell us, please include your email address or telephone number.
Health & Social Care
Integration of adult health and social care is part of the Scottish Government’s programme of reform to improve the outcomes of adults who use health and social care services.
A Draft Health and Social Care Integration Scheme (Draft Integration Scheme) for health and social care services in Dundee has been developed by the Shadow Integration Joint Board for Health and Social Care Integration. The Draft Integration Scheme is a legally binding contract between NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council.
The Draft Integration Scheme provides details about the duties and responsibilities of NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council as both organisations move towards establishing an Integration Joint Board for Dundee. It also describes what the Integration Joint Board will do to deliver health and social care services to people in Dundee.
The draft has been prepared in accordance with the regulations and guidance which accompany the Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Act 2014 and in co-operation with those partnership and professional groups that have been established to support the implementation of arrangements for integration in both Dundee and Tayside.
Organisations and individuals are invited to respond to the Draft Integration Scheme.
This consultation is aimed at everyone in Dundee and we are keen to hear from individuals or groups who have a view on the proposals in the Draft Integration Scheme. Your views are important, so please tell us what you think.
For further information on how to respond, please visit:
For Fairness in Dundee
The Dundee Partnership has launched a new strategy for tackling poverty and promoting inclusion called For Fairness in Dundee. We are consulting on the strategy over the next few months with a view to preparing a comprehensive action plan early in 2012.
Please see links below to the strategy and a consultation questionnaire.
- Draft Strategy on For Fairness in Dundee (868KB MS Word doc)
- Consultation Questionnaire (207KB MS Word doc)
We would welcome any comments or feedback on the strategy.
Community Centres Non Users Survey 2013
Below is a report on the most recent consultation with users of Community Centres, designed to enable us to determine how well our programmes are meeting community learning and development objectives.
- Non Users Survey 2013 (1.1MB PDF)